A bun in the oven
Starting a blog is a bit like having a baby (stick with me here). I vividly remember being sent home from the hospital with my new bundle of joy, thinking - "What? You're trusting me with this living, breathing, precious creature? I don't know what to do with it - what if it needs something?! Where's the manual? Who do I call?". But - as with life in general - you just figure it out as you go along. Mistakes are made, lessons learned, and baby eventually flourishes despite the 24/7 adrenaline-fueled patrolling in case he swallows a piece of lego. (Which incidentally happened once - he survived - tick).
This blog has been a long time coming, with just over nine months in production in fact, dragging its feet like a reluctant bub scared to come out. So please welcome to the world my newest creation. Be gentle with me; there's bound to be a few hiccups as I figure this thing out, but I'm sure we'll learn as we go. Enough chit chat. Let's go.
And so - baby's first meal?
I generally don't eat much gluten because of a few health issues, but bread has always been an addiction of mine. I still struggle a little with walking past a fresh loaf of soft white bread (ok sometimes I don't walk past it…) but it doesn't do my body or health any favours - so I needed to figure out a healthy alternative stat. They are super easy to make and great for snacks and meals at home or on the run. Top with eggs for breakfast, use for sandwiches, make little burgers for little hands or quick cheese toasties. Yum.
2 cups almond meal (approx 150gms)
⅓ cup milk (of your choice)
⅓ cream
¼ cup soft butter
2 eggs
1½Tb rice malt syrup (optional)
Sesame seeds for topping (or chia or other seeds)
*The milk and cream can be replaced with ⅔ cup of coconut cream.
Preheat the oven to 180°.
Blend all ingredients in a blender.
Pour mixture into rounds on a baking tray covered with baking paper - roughly 2Tb for each one - not too big or close together as they will spread.
Bake for 20 minutes or until golden, then cool on a wire rack.
Store in an airtight container layered with baking paper.