Coconut gingernuts

My mum used to be a sales rep in NZ for a snack food company when I was young, so we always had an overabundance of chips and biscuits in the house. My friends and I used to plough through packets of chips, having competitions to see who could stuff the most cheese balls in their mouth at one time. Biscuits were always bursting from every cupboard, with ginger nuts usually being the star offender. Dunking ginger nuts in your tea is a kiwi national pastime - apparently sixty million of these bikkies are eaten there every year! According to my calculations, that's around 348,000 kilos of sugar. Woah! Ryder doesn't normally like ginger, so when he asked out of the blue last week for me to make some ginger biscuits, I jumped at the challenge of making over my long lost friend into a slightly healthier version. I suspect he may have stuffed them all in his mouth at once, because they vanished pretty quickly.


1½ cups almond meal/flour
½ cup fine desiccated coconut
3tb soft butter
3 tb rice malt syrup
1tb ginger powder (reduce down for a milder version)
1tp cinnamon
½tp baking powder


Preheat oven to 180℃.
Whisk together butter and rice malt syrup, then stir in other ingredients. 
Spoon onto tray lined with baking paper and bake for approx 10 mins, or until golden.

NOTE: Not ok for nut-free lunch-boxes, but you could try replacing the almond meal with rice flour.