Ham + sushi = hamushi
Hamushi! Our best invention yet I think (ok there haven't been many, so cut me a break). The little man loves sushi (it's his favourite food) and this is an easy version that he can help make. This super simple lunch box snack is made all the more cuter (and desirable) by the little picks that hold it all together. You can find them on eBay or over here (watch them with small kids, they can be sharp). Just chop up some veg sticks like carrot, cucumber, capsicum, celery or cheese sticks, and add any garnishes the kids may approve of like basil, coriander, cream cheese, lettuce, salsa or mayo and roll up carefully in ham slices (try and look for organic or at least free range or sow-stall-free like the Coles branded range). Serve as is or with a dressing on the side like hummus or soy sauce - kids always seem to love dipping things in their bid to be The Messier Eater Ever. They will keep for a couple of days so make enough to keep in the fridge for a few days worth of school lunches.