Time out
We recently had a week down in country Victoria and Melbourne - 'we' being my man and I, sans kids (he has three, I have one). It was part work, part time out. It's always a little bittersweet - missing the kids, but grateful for time alone. We stayed in Daylesford and Kyneton - a beautiful part of the country, although very, very cold (and it needs to be said I hate being cold). We ate, we talked, we slept, we walked, we met inspiring makers, bakers and curators, and we ate some more. SO many incredibly passionate food producers in the area - the cafes and restaurants were bursting with local, ethical and sustainable food choices. I may have overindulged just a little. If you're heading that way, check out the Hepburn Springs Chalet (for the cool Twin Peaks vibe), and the stunning Flop House in Kyneton. Then when we returned, birthday cake and (fake) snow with the kids.